National Hydrogen Strategy 🌍
Federal Government adopts National Hydrogen Strategy – IREES participates in the further implementation
Two weeks ago the Federal Government adopted the National Hydrogen Strategy. Especially in the energy demand sectors of industry and transport, a reduction path on the way to greenhouse gas neutrality by the middle of the century is hardly conceivable without hydrogen. In the industrial sector this applies in particular to the necessary fundamental process innovations (so-called breakthrough technologies), which would be inconceivable without hydrogen. The steel and chemical industries are particularly affected here. It is crucial that the market ramp-up for green hydrogen, i.e. hydrogen produced from renewable electricity using water electrolysis, is decisively advanced. The National Hydrogen Strategy can make decisive contributions to this. IREES is involved in various consulting projects with concrete analyses of the possible future of hydrogen use in industry for the German government. We are looking forward to making important contributions to sustainable hydrogen use with our work today and in the future.
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