Energy Policy and Technologies 

The Energy Policy and Energy Technologies business unit prepares analyses and recommendations for scientific policy advice in the fields of climate protection and resource efficiency, especially energy and material demand. The focus lies on the energy demand sectors of industry and buildings. Regarding the industrial sector, the business unit offers specific expertise in the emission- and energy-intensive sectors of basic industries. In the building sector, our work focuses on the impact analysis of policy instruments using scenario analyses based on our own agent-based energy system model Invert/EE-Lab. The aim of our work is to provide our clients with professional support for decision making and evaluation of alternatives for action by means of scientific analyses.


  • both techno-economic impact assessments and modelling of the effects of existing or planned policy instruments, also accounting for individual decision-making by the actors 

  • recommendations for the development and design of regulatory, economic and informational climate protection and energy efficiency measures for industry and buildings 

  • techno-economic evaluation as well as analyses of potentials and obstacles of new energy technologies, efficiency measures and industrial production processes   

  • analyses of the value chains of emission-intensive products  

  • modelling of energy demand scenarios   


Scientific analyses energy efficiency BMU

NAMA Peru Transport Lima

Product substitution and increased material efficiency in the energy-intensive primary industry

Energy efficiency for industry and commerce

Optimization of data in the building sector

Energy Balance Colombia

Review of SDG7

National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) for Luxembourg

Policy scenarios for climate protection

UM-Scenarios Mobility

Support instruments for renewable energies in Luxembourg


Impact assessment of the German government’s Climate Action Plan 2050

BMUB Climate Protection Measures/ Programme of Measures for the Climate Protection Plan 2050 in Germany

Energy and climate plan Luxembourg

Trinationale cooperation for sustainable urban development

Accompanying Climate Action Plan 2050

Mapping heating & cooling

Climate protection through energy efficiency II

Luxembourg Energy Strategy

Long-term electricity demand in Brazil

Energy efficiency action plan

Potential and cost-benefit analyses of combined heat and power production

Diffusion EE


Oliver Lösch
Oliver LöschHead of Business Unit
Eberhard Jochem
Eberhard Jochem
Jana Deurer
Jana Deurer
Johannes Haller
Johannes Haller
Lennart Bunnenberg
Lennart Bunnenberg
Alexandra Decker
Alexandra Decker