Dena Factsheets

Cheap, fast and energy-saving – dena’s new FactSheets, developed with the support of IREES.

The initiative “Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Networks” supports companies to reduce their energy demand through energy efficiency and substitution measures. Fact sheets on low-investment and organisational measures that can be implemented in the short term are currently being developed for this purpose. IREES is supporting dena together with Limón GmbH in the preparation of a total of 30 of these FactSheets.

For example, they deal with setting individual efficiency targets, setting up an energy task force or optimising pumps, fans and lighting. Each FactSheet presents (1) implementation steps, (2) solutions to challenges and (3) practical examples.

The FactSheets are available free of charge here:
They will be added to as time goes on – so it’s worth checking back regularly.