Congratulations Dr. Ulmer

🎓 A doctor is born – congratulations to Nico!

In his successfully defended dissertation, our employee Nico Ulmer dealt with the topic of sustainability communication in the African educational context: The question was to what extent sustainability-related topics – such as climate change or health – can be successfully communicated if the relevant communication is not linguistically and conceptually adapted to the respective target group.

It is therefore unlikely that target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which states that by 2030 “all learners should acquire the knowledge and skills needed for sustainable development, including through education for sustainable development”, will be achieved. Instead of an academic-ecological argumentation, a linguistic and conceptually comprehensible level must therefore be found.

With these findings, IREES will carry on with its research – congratulations! 🎉

PS: The waddling duck was a gift for the newborn (congratulations daddy Nico!) 👶

The dissertation is available on the Leuphana University’s university publication server:

Link to the citation of sub-objective 4.7: