Energy Balance Colombia

First useful Energy Balance and Energy Efficiency Gap for Colombia

Client Planning Authority for Energy and Mines – UPME in Colombia. An institution of the Colombian Ministry of Energy. And CORPOEMA

Duration June 2018 – March 2019


Although Colombia is a country that has significant energy resources, that it is not only self-sufficient but also exports oil, coal and electricity, it is undeniable that it also has a high potential for energy efficiency. So far, the country has made progress in drawing up a final energy balance – which includes data since 1975 – and now collects the balance for the supply, transformation and final consumption of energy separately.

It was deemed necessary to deepen this analysis to identify the potential associated with end-use efficiency and performance, best operating practices and diversification of the energy matrix. This is due to uncertainties regarding the medium-term local availability of certain resources and the associated volatility of international energy prices, new energy uses (electric vehicles, smart grids, use of FNCE, etc.) and considerations related to possible avoided costs in infrastructure development, among others.

Furthermore, it is essential to quantify the economic losses that the country suffers in order to maintain the inefficiency in the energy chain up to the useful energy.


The aim of the project was to elaborate the existing final energy balance and to design a suitable tool to facilitate the estimation of energy consumption per economic sector as well as useful energy balances. An assessment of international methods and practices provided the consortium with sufficient elements to develop a methodological approach for estimating useful energy balances at transport, industry, residential and service levels.

Tasks of IREES

  • Co-leader of the project together with our local partner CORPOEMA

  • Design and develop an excel based tool for calculating the Useful Energy Balance

  • Support our local partner with technological perspectives as well as methodological inputs

  • Quantify energy losses and estimate an energy efficiency gap with necessary investments

  • Conduct and moderate workshops and interviews with different institutions in Colombia (ANDI, DANE, Energy Utilities, etc.)

  • Support the review on available and critically discuss the approach to results

  • Calculate together with our partner CORPOEMA the first useful energy balance for Colombia for the most important economic sectors (Transport, Industry, Residential, Tertiary)

Project partner



Oliver Lösch
Oliver Lösch