Analysis of acceptance of ‘power to gas’

Within the scope of the socially well accepted ‘PtG concept for efficient and flexible storage and energy infrastructure for integrating renewable energies in Baden-Württemberg’

DVGW Research Centre at Engler-Bunte Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Gas Technology for the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg

Duration 2014 – 2016


In addition to the phase-out of nuclear energy, the long-term climate protection objectives of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg are to be realised through a reduction in energy consumption and a massive expansion of renewables. The ‘power to gas’ project involved a technological approach that interconnects electricity generation, heat demand and mobility. The technical measures were being examined for their societal acceptance.

Tasks of IREES

  • At representative model locations (rural areas, cities etc.), electricity and gas grids were examined in detail and the potential for the expansion of renewables was assessed.
  • IREES used empirical methods to assess what obstacles and promoting factors exist at the social level that influence the expansion of renewable forms of energy at the selected model locations. This was done in the form of in-depth interviews as well as online surveys of citizens’ forums, organisations representing citizens, action groups, relevant associations and institutes. In this way, arguments were compiled, needs, anxieties and apprehensions were identified and risks as well as advantages and disadvantages were assessed so that the acceptance process could be kicked off and lacking information could be specified.