Development of teaching materials for LED lighting
Accompanying teacher workshops to introduce the materials.
Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration December 2014 – November 2014

Project goals and results
Together with TU Darmstadt and the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues (UfU – Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen e.V.), teaching materials were therefore prepared on the topic of LEDs. The materials can be integrated with various school subjects such as biology, physics, information technology, social studies and art. In the preparation of the materials, the relevance of the topics to the everyday lives of pupils and students was very important to us. The materials included the following topics:
- Effects of light on the body and health (keywords: light doping and day-night rhythm)
- Influence of light/LEDs on colour and the casting of shadows (keywords: perception and targeted use in art and industry)
- Historic development of lighting sources and political influence (keywords: ban on incandescent lamps)
- Practical support of schools converting to LED lighting (keyword: illumination measurements)
The materials focus on the middle school target group (grades 7 to 10). Selected subject areas have also been prepared for primary school.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the schools and teachers that have given us the opportunity to test the teaching materials in the classroom!
Beginning immediately, the teaching materials can be ordered free of charge at (while supplies last).