Mapping heating & cooling

Mapping and analysis of current and future (2020 to 2030) heating and cooling (fossil and renewable) fuel deployment


European Commission DG Energy/ DG Research

Duration March 2015 – February 2017


Heating and cooling (H/C) account for a major share of final energy demand in the industry, service and residential sectors of the EU. For this reason, H/C plays a central role in the achievement of energy policy goals such as climate change mitigation, security of supply, and competitiveness. However, official statistics provide only an incomplete picture of H/C: Data are often sparse, incomplete or unavailable. This project aimed to provide a comprehensive picture of the current state of the EU H/C sector, as well as possible future trajectories until the years 2020 and 2030.

Project goals and results

Developing a detailed, consistent, complete energy balance for the H/C sector Providing an overview of the H/C conversion technologies currently in use throughout Europe Assessing future diffusion trajectories for H/C renewable energy sources until the years 2020 and 2030, based on scenario analysis Assessing the economic impacts of faster deployment of renewable energy sources Identifying the main barriers and bottlenecks affecting the diffusion of renewable energy sources, and providing policy recommendations

Tasks of IREES

  • IREES was responsible for cooling process modelling and cooling techno-economic assessments

  • Furthermore, IREES headed the work package on barriers, best practices and policy recommendations for all heating and cooling strategies

Project partner

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
  • Vienna University of Technology
  • TEP Energy
  • Observ’ER


Dr. Jan Steinbach
Dr. Jan Steinbach
Dr. Eftim Popovski
Dr. Eftim Popovski