Energy efficiency for industry and commerce
Joint project: Research Network Energy in Industry and Commerce – Networking and Accompanying R&D Activities and Accelerating the Dissemination of Results
Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi)
Duration October 2018 – November 2021
A significant increase in energy efficiency in the industrial sector is necessary to achieve the German government’s energy system transformation goals. The aim of the “EE4-InG: Energy Efficiency for Industry and Commerce” project is to identify and network key innovations in order to accelerate the dissemination of results. Accordingly, development approaches are to be identified that offer considerable potential for increasing energy efficiency and thus reducing CO2 emissions. For the identification and evaluation of technological development options, the EduaR&D methodology developed on behalf of the BMWi will be used.
The project focuses on the seven research fields defined in the research network Energy in Industry and Commerce as well as additional research projects. Through close methodological and technical integration of the research fields, promising innovative solutions for increasing energy efficiency are to be identified which are currently still in research and development. In addition, efficiency solutions are to be found that are already being used successfully in certain industrial sectors and where there is the potential to use them in other areas of industry in the same beneficial way. Approaches developed within the framework of the German government’s energy research programmes are of particular importance for the project. In addition, international research results are of relevance.
On the basis of the analysis results, recommendations for action for targeted R&D and diffusion activities will be drawn up with the involvement of the relevant stakeholder groups.