Guide to decarbonisation in industry

The energy transition in Germany can only succeed if industrial structures are included. For the heat transition in the industry, not only the reduction of the energy demand through efficiency measures and process conversions is necessary, but also the conversion to a climate-neutral heat supply that serves the sector coupling. Industrial companies are thus faced with enormous challenges in terms of the speed required to completely reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while at the same time facing increasing complexity and uncertainties regarding the energy markets. At the same time, there are also opportunities to secure the future viability of one’s own company with intelligent concepts and timely planning and to minimise existing economic risks associated with the use of fossil fuels. For example, thermal systems in industry can make an important contribution to the integration of renewable energies. For example, by making heat generation more flexible, industrial companies can simultaneously reduce costs and serve the system. Energy efficiency in heat supply remains a very important lever for reducing GHG emissions. The electrification of industrial heat demand and the expansion of own renewable electricity generation represent a key element of the heat transition, linking the heat sector to the electricity sector. This makes the use and continuous development of heat pumps and heat storage a key to the industrial heat transition. “Bridge” technologies that have no potential for climate-neutral heat generation, on the other hand, represent “stranded assets” and energy supply risks and should be consistently avoided in investment strategies.


Dr. Jan Steinbach
Dr. Jan Steinbach
Dr. Eftim Popovski
Dr. Eftim Popovski