7th Network Meeting of the Pilot EEN Tunisia
Where does my handbag actually come from? And what does that have to do with compressed air?
As part of the Tunisian Energy Efficiency Network, we were able to visit the production halls of the network participant LongChamp Tunis. Together with all the participating companies, GIZ and the other project partners, we were guided through the entire production process of a leather handbag. In the process, the central energy consumptions and the savings potentials identified within the network became visible on site. Leather punching machines powered by compressed air are used there to punch out the many individual parts needed for completion. In addition to compressed air, air conditioning and ventilation as well as the lighting of the sewing workstations are relevant energy consumers with high savings potential. Longchamp Tunis, like the other network participants, has now started to implement the first energy efficiency measures, which has had an immediate positive impact on their monthly electricity bills.
During the network meeting, the Tunisian companies also had the opportunity to exchange information online with an energy efficiency network in Vietnam and learn from their experiences. The Tunisian energy efficiency network is expected to continue until the end of 2023 and after identifying and initiating initial measures, the companies are now in the process of implementing them. We identified the challenges they face in the process with them in an interactive workshop and they had the opportunity to discuss joint solutions. We are very excited to see what the network will achieve together by the end of 2023.
On behalf of GIZ Tunisie, IREES is supporting the first energy efficiency network in Tunisia with a moderated exchange, capacity building on technical and organisational measures and the implementation of greenhouse gas balances.
You can find more information about our project here -> https://irees.de/en/2021/11/05/energy-efficiency-network-tunisia/