Vanessa Schindler2024-08-16T11:27:01+02:00
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Vanessa Schindler

Vanessa Schindler studied Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Augsburg and at INP Grénoble in France. She successfully completed her Master’s degree in Energy Science and Engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt and at NTNU Trondheim, Norway, specialising in energy materials, multimodal energy systems and sustainability assessment. Her master’s thesis focussed on life cycle assessment of energy technology systems taking into account future developments and was carried out externally at the Research Centre for Energy Economics in Munich in cooperation with university institutes and an industrial partner.
Since February 2023, she has been working as a research assistant at IREES in the Energy Management and Energy System Modelling business unit. There she focuses on the evaluation of technologies and measures for decarbonisation on an economic and ecological level, as well as energy and climate protection strategies in companies.


  • Innovative approaches to life cycle assessment for the identification of climate protection measures with a focus on scenarios

  • Techno-economic and ecological evaluation of measures on the path to climate neutrality, taking future developments into account

  • Analysis and evaluation of new technologies

  • Decarbonisation of the heat supply for large and especially for small and medium-sized companies

  • Sustainable and circular construction


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