H2-Companion: Research accompanying the Green Hydrogen Model Region Baden-Württemberg
Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management Baden-Württemberg
Duration November 2022 – February 2027

Baden-Württemberg focuses on hydrogen and supports the two model regions H2-GeNeSiS and Hy-FIVE. With the H2-Companion project, IREES supports both model regions in defining long-term development scenarios of sustainable business models, in balancing CO2 savings, and with effective concepts for acceptance, participation, and public relations. Further research questions deal with the transformation of entire value chains triggered by new hydrogen technologies, the associated structural change, necessary vocational training and qualification, as well as target conflicts between economic, ecological and social effects. Thus, the accompanying research will not only make a significant contribution to the success of the model regions, but will also contribute comprehensively to their networking with comparable model projects and relevant bodies and adequately represent them in the scientific and public discourse. The project is funded by the European Union and the state of Baden-Württemberg.
Overarching research is being conducted into the economic, environmental and social impact of the use of hydrogen technologies. IREES is leading this project in the area of social impacts and is also involved in modeling, CO2 balancing and life cycle analysis.