Municipal heat plan for the city of Innsbruck

Client City of Innsbruck and Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe Aktiengesellschaft

Duration May 2023 – May/June 2024


The objective of this study is to develop a municipal heat supply strategy, which shows a way for the city of Innsbruck to achieve a CO2-neutral heat supply by 2040. Therefore IREES will be analysing the supply potentials for renewable energies and waste heat. In additio the use of energy from waste management as well as the potentials for the expansion of the heating infrastructure will be regarded. On the demand side, the potentials for energy efficiency measures are to be considered and their impact on the solution space for the possible heat supply alternatives. The heat supply plan to be developed should define concrete measures for the city of Innsbruck and show which reduction can be achieved by 2030 as an interim target and how climate neutrality can be achieved by 2040.

Wärmeversorung Innsbruck 2

Goals and Results

To achieve these goals, suitable technology for the future heat supply will be assessed to derive short-, medium- and long-term measures in a heat transition strategy. In the first step, after clarifying the initial situation and the procedure, an inventory and potential analysis for heat sources and sinks is carried out. The potential analysis is carried out at a high spatial resolution. This includes both an analysis of the expansion and densification potential for heat networks as well as local heat potentials and a potential determination for renewable energies. Since the heat supply strategy should aim at the transformation of the heat supply through concrete measures, concepts and solutions are evaluated in as much detail as possible from a techno-economic point of view. Reference building types as well as neighbourhood structures and spatial heat densities and grid expansion and operating costs are considered in order to compare decentralised and centralised heat grid-based heat supply solutions.

Tasks of IREES

  • Overall project coordination

  • Spatial potential analysis

  • Modeling of heat supply scenarios with the NetHeat model

  • Heat supply strategy with package of measures

Project Partners


Dr. Jan Steinbach
Dr. Jan Steinbach
Eftim Popovski
Eftim Popovski
Vanessa Schindler
Vanessa Schindler
Catrice Christ
Catrice Christ
Jana Deurer
Jana Deurer
Dr. Nico Ulmer
Dr. Nico Ulmer