Climate protection and projection report Baden-Württemberg

Client Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg (LUBW)

Duration February 2024 – June 2024


With the Climate Protection and Climate Change Adaptation Act (KlimaG BW), which was passed in 2013 and most recently amended in 2023, the state of Baden-Württemberg not only sets goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions), but also for adapting to them Climate change. The KlimaG envisages the reduction of GHG emissions by at least 65% by 2030 and net greenhouse gas neutrality by 2040. With the amendment to the Climate Act in 2023, sector-specific targets were set until 2030. The Climate Measures Register was developed to set up, implement and evaluate measures in the various sectors. Section 16 KlimaG provides for monitoring in order to check compliance with the achievement of targets and the implementation of the measures in the climate measures register and the strategy for adapting to the unavoidable consequences of climate change.

Goals and Results

The project includes the preparation of the climate protection and projection report in 2024. The report describes the development of GHG emissions in the various sectors and the implementation status of climate protection measures in the reporting period, as well as projections of GHG emissions and their impact on achieving the sector goals 2030 and the climate protection goals for Baden-Württemberg for 2030 and 2040. In addition, a sector-specific cause analysis for potential target deviations and the responsible decision-making level as well as suggestions for measures to re-achieve the target path in the respective sector as well as suggestions for the further development of climate protection measures must be made. Impact contributions and interactions of federal and European Union (EU) climate protection measures must also be taken into account. In addition, important aspects of a polluter-related consideration must be included.

Tasks of IREES

  • Project management

  • Projection of greenhouse gas emissions for the building sector

  • Projection of greenhouse gas emissions for district heating


Jana Deurer
Jana Deurer
Dr. Jan Steinbach
Dr. Jan Steinbach
Eftim Popovski
Eftim Popovski
Johannes Haller
Johannes Haller