ESCALATE local heating and cooling transition plans: Regional multipliers of capacity building and technical support to empower local administrations

Client European Commission (Horizon2020)

Duration September 2024 – August 2027


Buildings consume more energy than any other sector in the EU. Municipalities with over 45.000 inhabitants are now required by the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) Recast to develop heating and cooling (H&C) plans, but medium-sized administrations typically lack the technical and financial resources of larger municipalities. Regional energy agencies, embedded locally and connected supra-regionally, are the perfect enablers to support the clean energy transition in the over 1000 medium-sized EU municipalities.
ESCALATE combines the technical expertise of five knowledge partners, the local understanding of eight regional energy agencies, and the dissemination and engagement skills of one communication partner, across ten EU countries, to mainstream best practices in H&C planning through a comprehensive capacity-building programme.

Goals and Results

To accelerate the clean energy transition of the building sector, ESCALATE will (1) create a training programme, template, and guideline to develop H&C plans and (2) train six regional energy agencies to become effective H&C planners (in Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, and Slovenia). These will (3) develop 12 pilot H&C plans with nearby municipalities, receiving technical assistance from the ESCALATE team and providing feedback on the capacity-building offer. All capacity-building materials will be publicly available. The trained agencies will then (4) train other energy agencies in their countries and the ESCALATE team will (5) activate a wide network of stakeholders to disseminate results, raise awareness of the capacity-building offer and scale up adoption all over the EU. Two more countries (Austria and Germany) will be engaged in local-national policy dialogue and in assessing the role of energy communities and consumer-led initiatives.

Tasks of IREES

  • IREES takes on the role of the coordinator, is responsible for overall project management and supports all other work packages.


Catrice Christ
Catrice Christ
Dr. Nico Ulmer
Dr. Nico Ulmer