Eberhard Jochem2024-10-24T11:19:44+02:00

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eberhard Jochem

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eberhard Jochem was founder and managing director of IREES (former BSR Sustainability) from 1991 until September 2014. Since then he supports the team as Senior Executive in selected research areas.

Eberhard Jochem has been full Professor for Economics and Energy Economics at the ETH Zurich (Swiss Institute of Technology) since 1999 where he founded the Centre for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE). He is also a Senior Executive at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI). He has been lecturing on various topics of technology and impact assessment, energy issues, and the economics of national resources at Karlsruhe University since 1978 and since 1996 at the University of Kassel. He is member of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences and of four scientific journals.

He works on technical and economic issues of efficient energy and material use as well as energy and climate policy. His research subjects include research and development and energy policy instruments and their impacts on employment, foreign trade and environment; he also follows the development of quantitative methods in these subject areas. The research issues are approached from the viewpoint of companies and sectors as well as from an administrative perspective in national, European and international contexts.


  • Sectoral energy demand estimates, industrial structural change, foreign trade of energy-intensive semi-finished products and energy-efficient goods
  • Rational use of energy in industry, the service sector and private households, including barrier analyses and evaluation of energy and climate policy instruments
  • Energy efficiency indicators, methods of technology foresight andR&D priority setting, material efficiency


  • 2014 Environmental Science Award by B.A.U.M. 

  • 2009 Bayer Award of Climate Research 

  • 2007 Scientific award “Commitment for sustainable development” for outstanding contribution Fondatione Energia et Gestore Servici Electtrici, Florence
  • 2007 Co-Laureate of partial Nobel Prize for IPCC, Stockholm 

  • 2006 Reward for climate protection by German Federal Minister Gabriel. Publishin of the stamp “climate protection concerns all”
  • 2005 Personal member of Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences SATS.  

  • 2001 Federal Cross of Merit by the German President for his interdisciplinary research and work on efficient use of energy and his bridge building between science, industry, and administration in this area

  • 1998 honorary professorship at the University of Kassel



Titel/ Title
AutorInnen/ Authors
Publikationstyp/Publication Type
Energy Demand and Modelling of Energy Systems: Five Decades from Little Knowledge to Differentiated Know-How.
Jochem, E., Bradke, H., Dütschke, E., Klobasa, M., Wietschel, M., Plötz, P., Fleiter, T. (2024) in: Edler, J., Walz, R. (eds.), Systems and Innovation Research in Transition, Sustainability and Innovation. p.237-274.         
 Assessing Technological Innovations: From Early Warning to the Governance of Socio-technical Transformations.
Nils B. Heyen, N.B., Friedewald, M., Jochem, E., Reiß, Th., Thielmann, A. (2024): in: Edler, J., Walz, R. (eds.), Systems and Innovation Research in Transition, Sustainability and Innovation. p.237-274.
ORC-Technik nutzt Abwärme zur Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung.
Jochem, E. (2024):  HEAT&POWER 7/8 2024, S.27-30


Titel/ Title
AutorInnen/ Authors
Publikationstyp/Publication Type
ORC-Anlagen als Abwärme nutzende Anlagen zur Stromerzeugung: FuE-Bedarf, Hemmnisse und Empfehlungen – ein Statuspapier –
Jochem, E. (2022). Darmstadt: Technische Universtität Darmstadt, Bensheim: ETA-Solutions, Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH
Nicht nur technische Innovationen, auch neue Gruppen- Formate beschleunigen den Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit in Wirtschaft und Staat.
Eberle, A., Gruber, A., Jochem, E., von Roon, S. (2023). In: Nachhaltigkeit in den Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften. (Hrsg. Leal Filho, W.). Peter Lang Verlag. ISBN/EAN978-3-631-87149-2


Titel/ Title
AutorInnen/ Authors
Publikationstyp/ Publication Type
Minderung der industriellen Treibhausgasmissionen Deutschlands durch materialbezogene Handlungsansätze in ausgewählten Branchen – ein Problemaufriss.
Lösch, O., Gollmer, C., Jochem, E., Reitze, F., Schön, M., & Toro, F. (2018). Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH
Arbeitspapier/ Working Paper
IREES Working Paper No. 2/2018: Evaluation of Regional Learning Energy Efficiency Networks
Chassein, E., Durand, A., Gerspacher, A., Jochem, E., Roser, A. (2018). Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH
Arbeitspapier/ Working Paper


Titel/ Title
AutorInnen/ Authors
Publikationstyp/ Publication Type
Herausforderungen und Chancen des Transformationsprozesses in der deutschen Industrie bis 2050
Lösch, O., Jochem, E., Reitze, F., et al. (2017). Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH
Arbeitspapier/ Working Paper
Darstellung Wissensstand und Bewertung etablierter und beschlossener Klimaschutzmaßnahmen für Industrie und GHD in Deutschland
Lösch, O., Jochem, E., Reitze, F., et al. (2017). Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH
Arbeitspapier/ Working Paper


Titel/ Title
AutorInnen/ Authors
Publikationstyp/ Publication Type
Klimaschutz durch Energieeffizienz: Konzept zur Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz, insbesondere durch die Weiterentwicklung der Energiebesteuerung sowie flankierender Maßnahmen
Lösch, O., Jochem, E., Idrissova, F., Mai, M., Schön, M., Reitze, F., Toro, F. (2015). Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH
Bericht/ Report
Energieeffizienz auf Überholspur
Jochem, E. (2015). in forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, Schwerpunkt: Green Tech, S. 30-32
Artikel/ Article
Klimaschutz durch Energieeffizienz: Konzept zur Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz und Erschließung von Treibhausgas-Minderungspotenzialen in den Sektoren Industrie und Gewerbe, Handel, Dienstleistungen
Lösch, O., Jochem, E., et al. (2016). Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH
Bericht/ Report
Überblick über vorliegende Szenarienarbeiten für den Klimaschutz in Deutschland bis 2050
Haller, M., Repenning, J., Vogel, M., Schlomann, B., Reuter, M., Jochem, E., Reitze, F., Toro, F., Schön, M. (2015). Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH, Berlin: Öko-Institut, Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI
Bericht/ Report
DACH -Energieeffiziente Stadt
Jochem, E., Reitze, F., Toro, F., Schön, M., Mai, M., Roser, A. (2015). Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH
Endbericht/ Final Report
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