Analysis of the economic potential for an efficient heating and cooling supply

On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), ifeu is working together with Prognos and IREES to develop parts of the reporting requirements of the Energy Efficiency Directive in accordance with Article 14. The focus of the research project is on the analysis of the economic potential for an efficient heating and cooling supply in 2030, which is supplemented by a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis and sensitivity analysis. In addition, the project will develop measures and political strategies with which the economic potential can be raised. The analyses will be based on a scenario of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), which had been submitted by the federal government to the European Commission in 2019. The nationwide data are disaggregated and processed for the analyses by using the building-specific heat atlas WaD 2.0 of ifeu and other spatially high-resolution data sources. In addition, the database is processed in order to present heating and cooling supply areas as small-scale maps.


Jana Deurer
Jana Deurer

+49 721 91 52 636 27

Dr. Jan Steinbach
Dr. Jan Steinbach
Eftim Popovski
Eftim Popovski
Oliver Lösch
Oliver Lösch