Karin Schakib-Ekbatan2024-03-13T15:01:23+01:00
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Dr. Karin Schakib-Ekbatan has been working as a senior researcher in the Social Science Evaluation Division at IREES since September 2012. As a social scientist, she has many years of experience in the fields of environmental psychology and architectural psychology.  Her work is based on qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research.  She lectures nationally and internationally on project results and publishes in professional journals and books.

From 2017 to 2019 she was employed at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and worked on experimental studies on thermal comfort in the Laboratory for Occupant’s Behaviour, Satisfaction, Thermal comfort and Environmental Research (LOBSTER) of the Building Science Group (fbta, KIT).

From 2007 to 2015 she worked at the Building Science Group (fbta, KIT) in national and international projects (e.g. EnOB-MONITOR, Annex 53, development of the survey instrument INKA for recording user satisfaction within the framework of the Assessment System for Sustainable Building (BNB)) as well as lecturer on architectural psychology.

From 2018 to 2021, she was a member of the expert panel of the Innovation program “Future Building” of the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB).

From 2015 to 2023, she has been supervising the distance learning course Implementation of rational energy use – obstacles and strategies in the master’s course ‘Renewable Energies and Energy Economy’ at the Centre for Distance Studies and Continuing Education (ZFUW) at the University of Koblenz (formerly University Koblenz-Landau).


  • User satisfaction with spatial and physical conditions in non-residential buildings (including office buildings and schools or hotels) and residential buildings. 

  • Energy-saving behaviour in non-residential buildings and residential buildings  

  • Acceptance analyses of innovative building energy concepts in the
    context of new buildings, refurbishments at building and neighbourhood level.

  • Acceptance studies of energy-relevant technologies (e.g. Power to Gas) 

  • Evaluation of funding programmes in the field of energy efficiency 



Titel/ Title
AutorInnen/ Authors
Publikationstyp/Publication Type
Presenting the lighthouse of energy transition „STADTQUARTIER 2050“
Görres, J., Kühl, S., Erhorn-Kluttig, H., Lenz, K., Gimpel, H., Graf-Drasch, V., Roser, A., Schakib-Ekbatan, K. & Ressel, A. In S. Leonhardt , T. Nusser, J. Görres, S. Rosinger, G. Stryi-Hipp & M. Eckhard (Eds.), Innovations and challenges of the energy transition in smart city districts (pp 483-503) (2024). Berlin/Boston: De Gryuter
Buch/ Book


Titel/ Title
AutorInnen/ Authors
Publikationstyp/Publication Type
Intelligentes Raumwärmemanagement als geringinvestive Energieeinsparmaßnahme in Nichtwohngebäuden
Schwickert, S., Schakib-Ekbatan, K., González, M. (2023). Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB
Studie/ Study


Titel/ Title
AutorInnen/ Authors
Publikationstyp/ Publication Type
IREES Working Paper No. 1/2018: Interventions to change energy-relevant behaviour
Schakib-Ekbatan, K., Chassein, E., Roser, A. (2018). Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH
Arbeitspapier/ Working Paper


Titel/ Title
AutorInnen/ Authors
Publikationstyp/ Publication Type
Bürogebäude auf dem Prüfstand: Zufriedenheit mit Raumklima und Raum
Schakib-Ekbatan, K. (2016). Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
 Dissertation/ Dissertation
Roser, A., Schakib-Ekbatan, K., Chassein, Banon, F., Schulz, A. (2016) Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH
Bericht/ Report


Titel/ Title
AutorInnen/ Authors
Publikationstyp/ Publication Type
Concept for the absolute reduction of energy demand: potentials, framework conditions and instruments for achieving the energy consumption targets of the energy concept
Fischer, C., Blanck, R., Brohmann, Beznoska, M., Steiner, V., Gruber, E., Holländer, E., Roser, A., Schakib-Ekbatan, K. (2015). Dessau-Roßlau: Umwelt Bundesamt
Bericht/ Report
Challenges with evaluation of school projects in the context of energy efficient refurbishment
Holländer, E., Roser, A., Schakib-Ekbatan, K. (2015). in Journées Internationales de Sociologie de l’Énergie, S. 288 – 291
Artikel/ Article
LED macht Schule
Holländer, E., Roser, A., Schakib-Ekbatan, K., Khahn, Wagner, M., Groh, A. (2015). Karlsruhe: IREES GmbH, Darmstadt: TU Darmstadt
Studie/ Study
Bürogebäude auf dem Prüfstand: Zufriedenheit mit Raumklima und Raum
Schakib-Ekbatan, K. (2015). Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Dissertation/ Dissertation
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