Development of a municipal heat plan for the city of Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz

Client Stadtwerke Neumarkt i.d. OPf. Betriebs- und Service GmbH

Duration July 2024- June 2025


The decarbonization of the heat supply is currently still a major challenge in the energy transition. The central importance of municipal heat planning for the path to a climate-neutral heat supply is made clear by the link to the Building Energy Act, the amendment to which not only provides orientation for building owners as a central planning instrument, but also the basis for regulatory requirements with regard to the possible heat supply solutions.

Municipal heating plans are an essential part of the climate transition. With the listed options for action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the heat supply, they form the basis for a greenhouse gas-neutral building stock and a greenhouse gas-neutral heat supply. In order to achieve these goals, the IREES and e-think will develop concrete technology solution proposals in order to derive short, medium and long-term measures in a heating transition strategy.

Goals and Results

In the first step, after clarifying the initial situation, a status-quo and potential analysis for heat sources and heat sinks is performed. The potential analysis is carried out at a high spatial resolution using a GIS-based digital city twin and includes an analysis of the expansion and densification potential for heating networks as well as local heating potential and a determination of the potential for renewable energies. As the heat transition strategy aims to transform the heat supply through specific measures, concepts and solutions are evaluated in as much detail as possible from a techno-economic and ecological perspective. Reference building types as well as neighborhood structures, greenhouse gas emissions, spatial heat densities and network expansion and operating costs are taken into account in order to compare decentralized and centralized heat supply solutions.

Tasks of IREES

  • Project management

  • Status-quo analysis

  • Potential analysis

  • Scenario development

  • Municipal Heat transition strategy

  • Communication strategy; public participation

Project Partner


Dr. Jan Steinbach
Dr. Jan Steinbach
Eftim Popovski
Eftim Popovski
Catrice Christ
Catrice Christ
Jana Deurer
Jana Deurer