Heating maps for Germany
Sustainable Heating China
Scientific analyses energy efficiency BMU
Scale-up of Renewable Energy for power generation in the Western Balkan countries
Product substitution and increased material efficiency in the energy-intensive primary industry
Scenario worlds for infrastructures in the context of energy system transformation
National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) for Luxembourg
Policy scenarios for climate protection
UM-Scenarios Mobility
Evaluation of the ERGU funding programme in Rhineland-Palatinate
Support instruments for renewable energies in Luxembourg
Impact assessment of the German government’s Climate Action Plan 2050
BMUB Climate Protection Measures/ Programme of Measures for the Climate Protection Plan 2050 in Germany
Energy and climate plan Luxembourg
Evaluation of mandatory energy audits
Accompanying Climate Action Plan 2050
Climate protection through energy efficiency II
Luxembourg Energy Strategy
Energy efficiency action plan
Evaluation of energy consulting for SMEs
Potential and cost-benefit analyses of combined heat and power production
Analysis of acceptance of ‘power to gas’